Children's Spectacles

Spectacles to Allow Children to be Children

Soccer, Hurling, Rugby, Gaelic Football, Dancing, Gymnastics, Swimming.

Children don't stop being children once they start wearing spectacles and therefore we need to ensure that their spectacles are fit for purpose.

At Masterson Opticians we try to take special care of your children.

We provide tailor-made service to suit all ages from babies right through to adulthood.

Specs by Prue
Specs by Prue

Help Towards the Cost of Spectacles

Children aged Under 16 and those aged 17and 18 in full time education are given an NHS voucher to contribute towards the cost of their prescription spectacles.

  • We carry a large range of frames which are completely covered under the cost of the NHS voucher. If a child chooses another frame then the value of this NHS voucher is subtracted from the price.
  • Under 16's are also offered a Repair and Replacement Voucher in the event that they break or lose their spectacles.
  • We offer discount on 2nd Pairs of spectacles to allow Children to have a spare pair of spectacles.
Specs by Prue
Specs by Prue

"Trying on glasses is great fun!!"

Broken Spectacles

If you've had an accident and broken your glasses, please call into the practice. Many repairs can be completed on the day, we also offer a one day glazing service that will ensure you aren't inconvenienced for long.